How To Give
Donate to our GoFundMe page through the Disaster Network of Assistance Rotary Action Group. The Disaster Network of Assistance is a Rotary International US registered 501c3 US tax-exempt charity. Your donation will go directly to the District 7020 Hurricane Dorian Disaster Relief Fund. You will receive a donation receipt for tax purposes.
Donate with Credit Card/ PayPal
Donate to The Bahamas Hurricane Recovery via Credit Card/ PayPal through the Disaster Network of Assistance Rotary Action Group. The Disaster Network of Assistance is a Rotary International US registered 501c3 US tax-exempt charity. All donations are tax-deductible. Your donation will go directly to the District 7020 Hurricane Dorian Disaster Relief Fund. You will receive a donation receipt for tax purposes.


2021 District Team Training Seminar
More information to follow!
2023 P.E.T.S
Incoming Club Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers & District Committee Members
Announcing the start of the
2023 Online P.E.T.S
Districts 7020
P.E.T.S serves to educate and train incoming club officers and directors
in Leadership and Service for the new 2023-2021 Rotary Year
For more information and to register, please click HERE
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Organization Chart (Photos)
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District Governor Charles Sealy and
Rotary International President Holger Knaack
2023 - 2021

District Governor Charles Sealy's New Year Address
Rotary District 7020 Governor 
My wife, Rochelle, and I are excited to journey with you this year on what will be a wave of change. This is a special time when in the face of uncertainty and concern, you have been chosen and charged to bring hope and help.  As we conduct the changing of the Guard ceremony, I would like to offer the following.                           
Let me recognize the leaders and members of the current year for your steadfastness and commitment to service. This was a good year in 7020, and it is because of you. In the face of a major unplanned situation, you were able to adapt and persevere; that is to be commended. It is upon your efforts that the new leadership team will launch. They will need you to undergird and encourage them. Know that they may seek to do things differently and that change, though unsettling, may have a positive return.
To the incoming Presidents and boards, I would like to congratulate you and invite you to fasten your seatbelt for what will be a fantastic ride. I will not claim that it will be easy, but it will be worth it. Our Rotary International President for 2023 – 2021, Holger Knaack, has directed you on elements of importance. They remain:
  1. to create new innovative clubs, 
  2. host a strategic planning session, 
  3. select members that are a good fit for Rotary and for your clubs, and 
  4. commit to our continued efforts and emphasis on END POLIO NOW.
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I extend congratulations to you on this your changeover ceremony and eagerly await the opportunity to engage you directly.
District Governor 
2023-2023 Year End Message
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District Governor
2023-2023 Year End Message
PAG Audley and I are truly grateful for the extraordinary privilege of being District Governor and first gentleman of the best District in the Rotary World – District 7020!  We could not have done it without a great district team and dynamic clubs. Together we were able to build on the very strong foundations of our district and clubs, use innovative thinking and leadership to achieve significant success.
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It was heartwarming to witness the genuine and tangible demonstration of love and support for our brothers and sisters of Abaco following catastrophic hurricane Dorian. And then there was COVID-19 which engulfed the world with fear and changed our way of life. The resiliency, strength, and fortitude of our clubs were evident in your response to COVID-19.
Our 2 district programmes have advanced. Firstly the audacious and transformational HANWASH programme has garnered much interest and support, thanks to the staunch leadership. Secondly the Prevention and Control of Diabetes also gained strides as it was embraced by many clubs. I am grateful to the champions of this project and to the many clubs that embraced it. I am also thrilled that successive Governors are committed to carrying it forward.
Our District’s 3.23%membership growth in the mid-June was the second highest percentage increase in Zones 33 and 34. Thanks to the support provided by our clubs we were able to achieve this even with the loss of one of our smaller clubs. Membership also grew in Rotaract with the increase of three Clubs.  Let us all remain engaged so that others can continue to be drawn to our great organization. We can also be reasonably proud of the District’s per capita giving to The Rotary Foundation even though this can be further enhanced with the participation of all clubs.
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Finally, congratulations again to incoming District Governor Charles Sealy and First Lady, Mrs. Sealy. Let’s continue to connect as we embrace all the opportunities that Rotary has to offer and let us have an amazing year led by our talented and inspiring new leader District Governor Charles Sealy.
Gouverneur de district
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PAG Audley et moi sommes vraiment reconnaissants pour le privilège extraordinaire d'être gouverneur de district et premier homme du meilleur district du Rotary Monde - District 7020! Nous n'aurions pas pu le faire sans une équipe de district et des clubs dynamiques. Ensemble, nous avons pu bâtir sur les fondations très solides de notre district et de nos clubs, utiliser la pensée novatrice et le leadership pour atteindre un succès significatif.
Notre voyage est un voyage qui sera gravé dans nos esprits pour toujours. En traversant les 10 pays et 16 îles du District 7020, nous avons été inspirés par le leadership enthousiaste de nos clubs et l'engagement de nos membres. Nous avons été stimulés à chaque tournant par l'ensemble de l'excellent travail que nous avons vu dans les six domaines d'intervention. De plus, nous avons été émus par les réponses de certains bénéficiaires dont la vie a été touchée par le bon travail de nos Rotariens.
Il était réconfortant d'assister à la démonstration sincère et tangible d'amour et de soutien à nos frères et sœurs d'Abaco après le cyclone Dorian. Et puis il y a eu le COVID-19 qui a englouti le monde de la peur et a changé notre mode de vie. La résilience et la force de nos clubs étaient évidentes dans votre réponse au COVID-19.
Nos deux programmes de district ont progressé. Tout d'abord, le programme HANWASH audacieux et transformationnel a suscité beaucoup d'intérêt et d'appui, grâce à un solide leadership. Deuxièmement, la prévention et la lutte contre le diabète ont également progressé, comme l'ont fait de nombreux clubs. Je suis reconnaissant aux champions de ce projet et aux nombreux clubs qui l'ont adopté. Je suis également ravi que les gouverneurs successifs se soient engagés à poursuivre dans cette voie.
La croissance de 3,23 % des membres de notre district à la mi-juin a été la deuxième plus forte augmentation en pourcentage dans les zones 33 et 34. Grâce au soutien de nos clubs, nous avons pu y parvenir même avec la perte de l'un de nos clubs plus petits. L'adhésion a également augmenté au Rotaract avec l'augmentation de trois Clubs. Restons tous engagés pour que d'autres puissent continuer à être attirés par notre grande organisation. Nous pouvons également être raisonnablement fiers du don par habitant que le district accorde à la Fondation Rotary, même si cela peut être amélioré avec la participation de tous les clubs.
Pour conclure, Helen Keller a dit le mieux : "Seul nous pouvons faire peu; ensemble, nous pouvons faire beaucoup". Les réalisations de cette année ont été véritablement le résultat des efforts collectifs de beaucoup. Nos gouverneurs adjoints, les officiers de district et les comités de district, nos dirigeants et membres de club, ainsi que notre comité de conférence du district virtuel dirigé par la vice-présidente Lorna Smith et l'ancien président Kenneth Morgan, et le secrétaire de district Henry Creque, qui a produit une excellente conférence. Et donc avec des cœurs reconnaissants, Audley et moi vous remercions sincèrement pour votre service exceptionnel au nom du Rotary, ainsi que pour votre soutien, votre amitié et votre hospitalité. Nous chérirons nos nombreux nouveaux amis du Rotary dans le District 7020.
Rotary Concert Haiti
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Dear Fellow Rotarian,

The COVID-19 coronavirus is affecting every aspect of our lives in real time, and this puts Rotarians in an unfamiliar place. As People of Action, we are most comfortable when we are fully engaged in the world – moving freely, meeting openly, and offering helping hands. These are very difficult times for people who, like us, are at our best when we are learning, growing, and serving—together.
Hurricane Dorian Rotary District 7020 Summary Report #14


Hosted by The Government of the Bahamas and the UNDP was a success.  Some information that came from the conference is as follows:

  • 1.7 million metric tons of debris need to be dealt with

  • 29,472 persons were affected

  • Of the $3.4 billion in damages, 87% was in Abaco and 13% in Grand Bahama and 91% affected the private sector while 9% in the public sector

  • Major problem was not with the building code but with low lying buildings and non-compliance with the building code

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  • Still 70 confirmed dead but hundreds still missing

  • Priority list of projects is drafted and should be released soon

  • They have spent $4.5 million on dome houses to get residents a temporary place to stay.  Still months from being finished.

  • They need $26 million for the schools

  • While they said the building code is fine, they also said they are working on the next edition of the building code

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  • Many organizations (I counted 26) stood up, out of the 300 to 400 people in the room, and pledged support in cash and in-kind as well as services.  The P3 group pledged almost 1 billion

  • Estimated pledges to be between $1.5 and $2.0 billion

  • PRIP Barry Rassin was in attendance and was able to tell the crowd about Rotary and what Rotarians have already done and plan to do going forward.


The committee needs to review the following and approve if in support.  Some we have already discussed, and some is new:

  • Schools are still our priority.  We should have the list of schools with who is doing what by the end of the month.  We could then take on one or more schools than are not yet committed.  Maybe one at a time?

  • We have agreed with the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce to partner on a program to help small business.  No details as yet but we need to meet with them again and develop this.

  • The water plant from H2O and Rotary should be there in two weeks.

  • We had approved the two TAC (Technical Assistance Centers) units (one for each island).  We have reached out to Florida but got no takers on helping us with two similar RV’s for this purpose.  We should proceed with the purchase.

  • MSC has donated and is sending 38 20-foot containers of tiles.  They will send to Freeport, but the Grand Bahama team will determine how much they need.  Any they don’t need could be sent to Abaco.

  • In meeting with the Salvation Army, we are developing a plan to build an NGO building in Abaco.  This would be used for a number on NGO’s to have an office as well as to have a space for storage of emergency supplies and a space for a shelter.  It would be ideal as the emergency control center. The Minister for Recover, etc. has agreed with the concept and is working to find us land for the purpose.  I am meeting again with the Salvation Army this week to confirm their commitment, but they are sure they want to have a permanent presence there.  We could get some other partners to work with us so it becomes a true partnership of those who live in this sector. 

  • Two Volunteer weeks.  UNDP is helping us coordinate these two weeks.  They have suggested we take on the cultural parks in Abaco as these have not been handled by any other group.  They are putting all the details together as to what they need and will provide us with a detailed list.  I suggest we purchase the materials and let the volunteers rebuild the parks as Rotary parks.

    • UNDP is working on the logistics.  They may find us houses to rent which we can set up as dorms, maybe three or four house we would rent for the two weeks.  The benefit over tents is that they have bathrooms and showers

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    • Rotary will send information out to the Rotary world to get the volunteers and help organize the flight into The Bahamas

    • We will need to approve this expenditure for rental property, food and supplies



For Wire Transfer directly to the islands go to Bahamas Rotary Disaster Committee  

Important Note: please be sure to advise in advance, the following details of funds being remitted to the Bahamas:

  • Name of Sender * Amount of Remittance * Notify rotarybahamasrelief@gmail.com  

For crypto currency donations sent weekly directly to the Bahamas, payment may be made online at Delchain Limited


To qualify for Gift Aid, donate to Rotary’s Disaster Recovery Trust for Caribbean Hurricane Dorian


For a 501c3 US Tax Exempt donation use any of the following

PayPal D7020 through Disaster Network Assistance

PayPal D6990 through District 6990 in Florida

GoFundMe for Rotary 7020 Dorian Relief


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Important Note: When donating via RI to this DAF, please ensure you indicate the

DAF number 574 and that the funds are directed to The Bahamas